The Ultimate Cheeseburger

Everybody loves a delicious juicy cheeseburger. I have messed around with lots of different toppings and different meats to bring to you the best concoction of mouth exploding flavors. Yet I know I am not perfect and people love their burgers a certain way so always feel free to change or experiment with my recipe.

Ingredients:(Yields 2 Burgers)

  • 1lb of 80/20 Ground Chuck
  • Half of a Yellow Onion
  • 2 Cloves of Garlic
  • 6 mini portabello mushrooms
  • 1 tbsp of Butter (Salt Free)
  • 4 strips of Candied Bacon (see Recipe for Candied Bacon)
  • 2 Slices of Smoked Gouda
  • 2 Large Buns
  • Deli Mustard (or any condiments you like on burgers)
  • Sea Salt and Black Pepper Corns


  1. Mold Ground Beef into Patties 1/2 pound patties (you can make smaller patties if you want, but then it wouldn’t be ultimate now would it?) and coat both sides of the burger with a pinch of sea salt and some ground black pepper corns.
  2. Bake the Candied Bacon ahead of time and have to cooling before you start the rest. (Trying to have it all come out at the same time is pretty hard)
  3. Chop the half onion into rings then pop the rings separate. Also cut the garlic into slivers and cut the mushrooms into slivers as well (Most grocery stores should have already cut portabello mushrooms if you are feeling lazy). Melt the butter at a low heat. Once melted raise the heat to medium high. Once the temperature is ready (the butter should be changing color slightly to a brownish, but not too brown you don’t want it to burn. Throw in the onions and garlic. Toss them around until the onions turn translucent then add the mushroom cooking for no more then five minutes.
  4. Heat up Grill or Skillet to medium high heat, then cook the burgers only flipping them once. Moving them around too much will loose the juiciness. To tell how done your burgers are to your liking, there is a simple trick. If you touch your chin that is what medium rare should feel like, your nose will be medium, and your forehead is well done. When about a minute away place the cheese on top to let it melt.
  5. Place the burgers aside to sit for about a minute before serving, during this time cut the avocado into slices.
  6. Cut the buns, put down the mustard (or other condiments) then the pattie. Then place the bacon and then the sauteed mushrooms and onions. To finish it all off place the avocado.
  7. Wear a kevlar suit because your mouth is about to explode

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