Fancy Schmancy Lamb Chop Dinner

This meal might push some of your skills but will impress anyone who you want to show that you are all that is man in the kitchen. It has some Greek influence but mostly just popped out of my brain. When I came up with this dish I was under the weird spell lamb has over me. For some reason those poor little cute goats are full of so much flavor I have these cravings where I HAVE to get some lamb, and this was made on one of those nights. It is complete with a yogurt garlic lemon sauce, truffle potato chips, and candied bacon wrapped asparagus (I know I was on a candied bacon binge).

Ingredients:(Serves 2)

  • Around 4-6 lamb chops
  • One small package of Greek Yogurt (Not the low fat one)
  • Juice of one Lemon
  • Pinch of fresh rosemary
  • 2 cloves of garlic minced
  • 3 golden Yukon potatoes
  • Two strips of thick cut bacon
  • One bundle of asparagus
  • Peanut oil, enough to fill your fryer or cast iron skillet
  • 1/4 cup olive oil (Always always always extra virgin)
  • White truffle infused olive oil to toss in chips
  • Sea salt and ground coarse black pepper


  1. Take the yogurt and mix in lemon juice, 2 cloves of minced garlic, and a pinch of rosemary. After mixed you can keep it in the refrigerator for an hour to let the flavors mix.
  2. Pour 1/4 cup of olive oil into a bowl. Sprinkle in a generous portion of salt and pepper as well as a pinch of rosemary. Mix it all together and then toss the lamb chops inside and let marinate for an hour.
  3. Reference Candied Bacon recipe, except this time when bacon is about 15min in the oven, take it out and let it cool for a min. Carefully (without burning yourself) wrap the bacon around a bundle of asparagus and place it  back into the oven for around 15 to 20 min. Or until bacon is fully cooked. Set oven on warm and keep the bundle warm until you are done with the rest.
  4. Preheat the fryer to 375 degrees or set skillet to med-high heat with enough peanut oil to cover chips but be careful not to put to much so that hot oil wont pour over into your kitchen. Hot oil is VERY VERY dangerous, I know from working in a restaurant and burning my hand multiple times and having a roommate that lit a pan on fire in the kitchen. Just be careful.
  5. Using a cheese grater, there should be a slice that is used to make shaved Parmesan. Use that hole and slice the potatoes into nice chip sized slivers. Using paper towels pat down firmly on the potatoes after cut to get as much moisture as you can out of them. The more you do it the crispier the chips are going to be. When the oil is ready drop them in, stirring occasionally to make sure they are evenly cooked. Should take about 5-10 mins or until they are golden brown.
  6. While the Oil is heating up preheat grill or another skillet to medium high heat. Once it reaches the correct temperature place the lamb chops on the grill and cook on each side for about 2-3 minutes only flipping once. Check by poking to get the desired medium rare, medium, or well done.
  7. Once the potato chips are done take them out of the oil and into a large bowl. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and a drizzle of white truffle oil and toss making sure the truffle oil is evenly distributed throughout the chips.
  8. Place all of it nicely on a plate and sit down and soak up all of the compliments that are about to hit you.